"It turns out that Rampling and Nelson are beautifully matched as they bring out the best in each other. Whether together, individually, or in one-on-one scenes with Lowe, the two living legends convey raw emotional authenticity — running the gamut from anguished remorse to indefatigable faith — and interact in dozens of ways that signal their characters have spent a lifetime together."
“There’s magic in Waiting for the Miracle to Come. Not manufactured magic, not trite magic. But the real deal.
It’s in Charlotte Rampling’s eyes, deep pools of torment gleaming over her gracious smile. It’s in Willie Nelson’s eyes, too, big and haunted, just like Rampling’s, big sad eyes sparked with hard-won humor and kindness. The magic is in Sophie Lowe, too, standing between these two icons, vibrating with openness to them, alert with natural curiosity. The magic comes from Lian Lunson’s sensibility and her ability to translate it to the screen, her care with the details, her love for these characters.”
At its core, Waiting for the Miracle to Come is about family and family connections, about how pain and hurt can change those dynamics. Lunson’s father left their family when she was just two years old, and she knows intimately how that made her feel. The project is her attempt to show others that people understand their pain, and are willing to respond.
Waiting for the Miracle to Come tells a simple story but leaves much open to interpretation. It’s a film that makes you feel what the characters are feeling. Sometimes the film is confusing or frustrating—the solution seems so simple but is still out of reach. Other times, the film makes sense, and you understand a little more about what is happening within the characters on the screen. These thoughts and feelings felt by viewers seem to correspond to what the characters are feeling, making the film a truly unique experience.